Fastest ORM tool for .Net / .Net.Core
is a simple, fast and lightweight embedded .NET ORM tool
  Install from Nuget
OrmDb is standalone a single DLL fully written in .NET managed code (compatible with .NET 4.x, NETCore 2.2 and above). You can install via NuGet or just copy DLL to your bin project folder.
One code for all databases. Besides FREE for everyone - including commercial use.  MIT
What is it?
OrmDB is a simple, fast and lightweight embedded .NET ORM tool which was inspired by the equivalent other tools. OrmDB works across .NET ADO providers such as MsSql, MySql, Oracle, PostgreSql and SQLite.

You dont need the re-write the queries for different databases with OrmDb. You can execute the command on different databases with native connectors. OrmDB prepares your commands for you.
Please refer to Wiki for further information.
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No STRING, No SQL Injection
OrmDb does NOT executes the queries as a string statement. OrmDb executes the queries as a part of the code like LINQ.
100% prevents "SQL Injection" attacks thanks to this feature.
Please refer to Wiki for further information.
Supported Async task executions
You can executes many query in many tasks.
Please refer to Wiki for further information.
ONE Statement for All Databases
You dont need the multiple queries for different databases with OrmDb. ONE Query can be executed on different connection(s).
Please refer to Wiki for further information.
More Managable And Sustainable Code
It is too easy to explore a table field where used. You can replace a column name easly or you can find all references.
Please refer to Wiki for further information.
DDL commands ready
The most used DDL commands are presented to you in OrmDb. And these commands can be run for all supported databases.
Please refer to Wiki for further information.
You can look out our samples which are shown below, to understand better how to use.
Please refer to Wiki for further information.